Finding Inner Peace

We've all been there: the toddler throwing a tantrum to get a candy bar, the teenager manipulating their parents for a later curfew, the adult using guilt trips to control their partner. It's a common human tendency to seek control over our environment and the people in it. But what if the control we truly possess isn't what we think it is?

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Finding Joy in Uncertain Times: A Christian Perspective

With Election Day upon us, it's no surprise that stress levels are soaring! A recent survey (1) found that 69% of adults feel more stressed than usual, a big jump from the last election, which was 52%! Christians are called to find joy, even in tough times. But how do we reconcile Paul's message of "rejoice always" (Philippians 4:4) with all this uncertainty?

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Who Is Building Your Sense of Self?

From the dawn of time, humanity has grappled with a profound question: Who am I? The Genesis story, where Eve succumbs to the serpent's temptation, offers a poignant glimpse into this age-old struggle. The serpent's insidious suggestion, "You will be like gods and are not enough," planted a seed of self-doubt, leading Eve to question her worth and identity. This primal experience resonates with us today, shaping our interactions with the world and ourselves.

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The Art of Communication

Communication can be tricky, especially in difficult relationships.  Have you ever noticed yourself being guarded about approaching a topic with certain individuals only to walk away feeling they got what they needed, but you did not?  This is all too common.  This month's blog will explore the three types of communication styles and learn simple strategies to communicate authentically, resulting in a “win/win.”

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The Secret Ingredient to a Happy Relationship

Imagine if there was one simple thing you could add to your life that would boost your marriage or relationship satisfaction and overall happiness. Sounds pretty good, right? Well, guess what? That magic ingredient actually exists, and it's called gratitude.

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Living a Balanced Life

God has created mankind to be in a relationship with Him (Knabb, 2019). However, sin has confused our ability to navigate the path because the path has been broken and ill-lit. Therefore, God, in his wisdom, created the three systems of “Danger,” “Drive,” and “Contentment” to guide us in life.

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