God has created mankind to be in a relationship with Him (Knabb, 2019). However, sin has confused our ability to navigate the path because the path has been broken and ill-lit. Therefore, God, in his wisdom, created the three systems of “Danger,” “Drive,” and “Contentment” to guide us in life.
The “Danger” system helps us act(fight, flight, or freeze response from our sympathetic nervous system) when facing threats or difficulties. This system helps us be aware of current and potential dangers. Cortisol is part of this system.
The “Drive” system was created to motivate us to maintain survival resources (e.g., food, shelter, relationships, reproduction) with positive feelings like excitement and pleasure. The “Drive” system helps us press forward and provide for others. Dopamine is part if this system.
The “Contentment” system is a system of safeness. It is part of the parasympathetic nervous system. This system may seem foreign due to past experiences. Jesus came to redeem this system and be the source of our contentment. We can be reconciled to the Father and find safety in His house. Contentment can never be found within us. However, we can rest in the safety and power of God through the work of Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. (Phil 4:11-13)
What do you experience when you are out of balance?
When we are emotionally regulated, our systems are in balance. If the Danger system is out of balance, we will experience anxiety, worry, and fear. If the Drive system is out of balance, we will experience cravings, addictions, and lust. However, if the Contentment system is out of balance, we will have feelings of not striving and feeling stuck. We also may not anticipate pitfalls and future danger, or we may not be able to enjoy the pleasure of life.
Have compassion on yourself and take action
Take time to discover what systems are predominant in your life and what system seems to be inactive. Instead of wrestling to control the out-of-balanced system, try bringing the other systems online to create more harmony and balance. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need more balance.
Knabb, J. J. (2019). The Compassion-Based Workbook for Christian Clients, Finding Freedom from Same and Negative Self-Judgements.New York, London: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
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