With Election Day upon us, it's no surprise that stress levels are soaring! A recent survey (1) found that 69% of adults feel more stressed than usual, a big jump from the last election, which was 52%! Christians are called to find joy, even in tough times. But how do we reconcile Paul's message of "rejoice always" (Philippians 4:4) with all this uncertainty?
This month, let's explore the possibility of cultivating joy – that deep sense of gladness and well-being – even when things feel shaky.
What is Joy, Anyway?
The American Psychological Association (APA)(2) defines joy as "extreme gladness, delight, or exultation." Joy can be a feeling of peaceful contentment (passive joy) or a desire to share our happiness with others (active joy). Both types boost our energy and confidence. According to the Apostle Paul’s writings in the Epistle of Philippians, our joy or delight is anchored in our relationship with and delight in God.
The Focus Factor
Joy is closely linked to what we focus on. When we believe things will turn out well, it's easier to feel joy or delight. But uncertainty breeds anxiety and stress – our body's natural response to perceived danger. Our brain and body are trying to keep us safe, so it is natural to feel stress with all this uncertainty. Remember that catchy children's song, "I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart"(3)? It captured something important: true, lasting joy comes from within and can’t be stolen. But is this even possible?

The Source of True Joy
Yale University's study of joy(4) discovered that joy occurs when a person can rely on a source/power that can make a difference toward good, even amid despair. In the Christian faith, scripture tells us God is sovereign (in control), and everything He does comes from a foundation of love. The Apostle Paul tells us that God can take any situation, even difficult ones, and use it for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
When truly felt, this knowledge can be a powerful source of joy. Even when the world feels chaotic, we can experience joy and delight knowing we belong to a loving, all-powerful Father. Remember, God is unchanging, and He delights in you!
Finding Joy on Purpose
Joy doesn't happen by accident. It requires intentionality and mindfulness. Make it a daily practice to spend 10 minutes focusing on God's love for you and His unwavering presence. Reflect on His promises – He can do more than we imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!
Living with Complexity
As humans, we can experience a range of emotions. Joy and sorrow can coexist. We can grieve loss while holding onto hope for a brighter future. When our thoughts are anchored in God's control and love, we can access a deep well of joy, even amidst hardship. Our eternal future is secure in Him (1 Peter 1:4). Let that knowledge bring stability and peace, regardless of the election outcome.
Still Seeking?
If you're unsure about your eternal future, check out this resource: (link to chataboutfaith.com)
Let's navigate these uncertain times together, rooted in joy and anchored in faith.
(1) https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2024/10/top-us-stressors
(2) APA Dictionary of Psychology. (n.d.). Joy. https://dictionary.apa.org/joy
(3) https://hymnary.org/text/i_have_the_joy_joy_joy_joy_down_in_my_h
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